
Europa = 52 = Europa in the birth chart shows were we easily fall for seduction, beauty, glitter and glamour. It’s where were are most likely to be couch potatoes in our life and expect people to come to us. The house it falls in will be where we cannot bear conflict and will avoid rocking the boat if we possible can. It is where we have a need to view everything in rose tinted glasses. It’s not all so indolent and indulgent however. In our birth chart, Europa shows us where things come easily. She represents the style of artistic expression, which comes naturally to us. Eg: If Europa is conjunct Pluto in the 8th, then it will be obviously a very gothic style with lots of hidden meanings. In synastry it will show where you are vulnerable to your partner whisking you away without question and conversely where their soppy weak spot is with you!

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