
Cybele = 65? = Cybele can manifest in a variety of ways. In a man the most negative can be seen in someone like Jimmy Saville who worshipped his mother to such an extent that he lived with her until she died. He was a confirmed bachelor and no other woman could match up to her. He had Cybele square his Venus/Ceres conjunction. Otherwise this could indicate a man who adores his mother but never really grows up or leaves home. I know a few situations like this where the son ends up acting as the elderly mothers manservant, driving her around and being her carer, of course regular relationships will suffer and these subjects will often remain unmarried.

Cybele harmoniously aspected in a man’s chart can just be fascination with exotic, foreign women who are in touch with their wild, earthy side. But in hard aspect they may find these lionesses too frightening and emasculating for them. Moon conjunct Cybele is a good example, but can be a mix of both hard and soft attributes. In a woman one of two things can happen, they may be attracted to quite placid, feminine men or conversely foreign men of a different race and creed. I have noticed females with harmonious Cybele/Moon greatly admire their mother who becomes a strong role model for them.

It all depends on what planets Cybele is in aspect to because like Ceres there a dark side to Cybele coming from the wild perchance to Dionysian revelling that can show addiction problems. With Cybele, as shown in the discovery chart, there can be problems managing anger too. I have found a few violent alcoholics (Sun conjunct Cybele) here and spouses who are attracted to dangerous relationships. This seems most noticeable when Cybele is in hard aspect to Mars, Ceres, Lilith or Pluto. I think Cybele is a very interesting and unusual archetype, she is complex though and quite hard to read in a chart as to how it will play out. Where she falls in your chart is the area of your life where you need to release your wild, exotic, loud and frenzied side. Cage this big cat at your peril!

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